

Teleflora is proud to have been connecting customers with local florists in the US and Canada for more than 80 years. Our 18,000 member florists deliver fresh floral arrangements, plants, and gift baskets.

All of our bouquets and centerpieces are professionally arranged using only the freshest flowers available and hand-delivered by the florist. All floral arrangements come in a vase or a fun keepsake re-usable container, like pitchers, coffee mugs, and much more. In most cases bouquets and plants can be delivered on the same day that you place your order. Our Gourmet gift baskets can be ordered for next-day delivery.

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FAQ for Teleflora

Does Teleflora have any available deal right now?

Currently, 0 deal(s) are available for Teleflora.

How much can I save at Teleflora?

In the last 30 days, RebateKey members have saved on average $50 at Teleflora. The most recent successful savings were found by the RebateKey browser extension 3 hours ago.

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