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Sometimes we need quick cash. Maybe your car needs a repair or you need to come up with a deposit on a new apartment. Or maybe you’ve decided that now is the time for you to get your spending under control. Since almost 70% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings, anyone could find themself in a position where they need cash fast.
Whatever your reason for needing to save quickly, we’ve got you covered.
Our helpful guide discusses how to save money fast. These tips can help you get back on your feet or put some cash aside for future needs.
#1 Cancel Unnecessary Subscriptions
While it may seem like we must watch the new season of our favorite shows streaming on Netflix or Hulu, the truth is, it’s not a necessity.
Canceling the following subscriptions can save you money and build your savings account instantly:
- Streaming services
- Newsletters
- Print periodicals
- Music subscriptions
- Sample boxes
You can always pick up some subscriptions again when you’re in a better financial position and have the extra cash. Or, reach out to friends and see if they’d be interested in a subscription share. If everyone is spending money on one subscription that allows everyone access, you’ll only pay a fraction of the cost for all your favorite services and will avoid paying for unused subscriptions.

#2 Turn Down the Heat or AC
Wondering how to save money each month? Did you know that you can save about 3% on your energy bill for every degree you lower your heat? Putting on a sweater and cozy socks will help you stay comfortable for less.
You’ll also save on your house climate control monthly expense in the summer by skipping the AC and turning on fans, opening your windows, and keeping your shades drawn.
#3 Have a Rummage Sale
If you’re like us, you can walk around your house and immediately spot five things you never use. Turn these unused or unneeded items into quick cash with a rummage sale. You can also sell things online on sites like Craigslist or Facebook.
#4 Stretch Your Supplies
Your shampoo, dish soap, laundry soap, and body wash will last twice as long if you water them down. They’ll still retain their cleansing power, but adding water will mean longer stretches between restockings, saving you an unnecessary expense.
#5 Make Your Own Cleaning Products
Want to achieve even more savings on your everyday supplies to reach your financial goal?
Many of the cleaning products we buy are unnecessary and can be replaced with simple solutions you make at home – saving money. If you have some baking soda, vinegar, lemon, and essential oil, you can make:
- Cleaning scrubs and solutions
- Window cleaner
- Toothpaste
- Air fresheners
And that’s all for a fraction of the price you’d pay at the store.
#6 Cut Your Own Hair
While you’re on the route to becoming self-sufficient, consider not spending money at the hair salon.
The average price of a haircut for men is $28.00 while women can expect to pay $40.00 or more. And, haircuts are not a necessary expense. Cutting your own hair might seem frightening, but most trims and even some simple styles can be done at home with the use of a YouTube video, sharp styling scissors, a mirror, and a helpful partner or friend.
#7 Go Vegetarian
This money saving tip is not only good for the planet, it’s also good for your wallet.
On average, people save $750 per year by adopting a plant-based diet. You can cut costs even further by stocking up on money-saving dried beans, lentils, and bulk bin grains. These are cheaper than their canned and prepackaged counterparts.
#8 Use Your Legs
One of the best ways to save money is by selling your car, if it’s an option. You’ll no longer have to worry about insurance, car payments, or gas.
Even if you aren’t able to give up your vehicle completely, odds are there are still situations when you can walk or bike somewhere rather than driving for the sake of your personal finances. Using your car fewer times each week will save you money on gas and reduce the wear and tear on your vehicle (resulting in lower maintenance costs over time).

#9 Shop Smarter
Don’t want to DIY everything?
This is one of the easy ways to save money – there are countless ways to save while grocery shopping on a tight budget. You can cut money from each shopping trip when you:
- Buy store brands – Store brands often contain the exact same ingredients as name brands at a fraction of the cost.
- Buy reduced produce – Most stores have a rack with slightly bruised produce that is still perfectly fine to eat.
- Skip single-servings – Single-serving packages of chips, cookies, beverages, and other products might be convenient, but they’re pricey and bad for the environment.
#10 Clip Coupons
Whether you’re heading to the grocery store or checking out at your favorite eCommerce store, coupons can help you save on your monthly budget and maybe even leave you with extra cash.
While some people still receive a weekly circular with physical coupons to clip, most couponing can now be done online. Just a few minutes per week searching for online coupons for the things you need can net you big savings on your shopping trips – no matter if you are working with a low income or not.
Use RebateKey for More Cashback
Not everyone is craft or savvy with a pair of scissors. While some savings strategies require confidence and know-how, others are as easy as the click of a button.
At RebateKey, we specialize in rebates and coupons for the 21st century.
Stop searching for deals across the web to cut down on your monthly bill. Instead, sign up with RebateKey. We give you cash back on the purchases you already make from popular online retailers. Sign up today for immediate savings and start achieving your savings goal.