Probiotics for Dogs and Cats (Single unit) - Boosts Immunity, Improves Digestion, and Diarrhea

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  • WHY PROBIOTICS? Probiotics are powerful friendly bacteria that make your pets feel better! 

    • Probiotics improve digestion meaning your pet will be able to absorb all the nutrients from their food which makes a huge difference in your pet’s health
    • Regular use of probiotics also improves skin conditions, reduces itching, and lessens digestive upsets.

    STOP THE ITCH & IRRITATION- An effective supplement for canine and feline allergies. Allergies affect the skin and your pet’s constant licking and scratching can cause their Itchy skin to become very irritated. Probiotic power can help to calm the irritation and soothe the itch.

    LESS MESS, LESS SMELL! - No one likes cleaning up after their pet, especially when they have diarrhea! Restored levels of natural or "good bacteria” help ensure that your dog or cat's bowel movements become more regular, and hopefully outside your home. May help with symptoms of IBS - irritable bowel syndrome, such as gas, bloating and abdominal pain.

    IMPROVED IMMUNITY - Better digestion and nutrient absorption, increased energy levels, better bowel movement, better quality of life, AND an immune system booster for canine and feline immune support in one powerful supplement. Use after illness to restore balance, and every day to maintain good health!

    NO HASSLE – These tiny pellets have no real taste; mix directly with food or place the pellets between 2 spoons, crush into a fine powder and mix with food or water. Presto! No fussing, fighting or spitting the pill back out.

    IMPROVE YOUR PET’S QUALITY OF LIFE! - Create a positive change in your pet's health with this gentle and effective probiotic supplement!

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