Siberian Bird Cherry Fine Powder Flour 300gr (10.58 oz) Wild Harvested from Altai Region

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Content: Natural Siberian Bird Cherry Powder - Flour (Prunus Padus)

Altai, Siberian Wild-harvested, Raw, Natural, Organic. Premium Quality

No Gluten, No Soy, no additives, aromas, or colorings

Siberian Bird Cherry Powder - Flour (Prunus Padus) is perfect for baking - cakes, pastries, muffins, pancakes, shortbread, biscuits, puddings and so much more. Can be also added to coffee, herbal tea, smoothies and jelly (e.g. traditional Siberian kissel).

Bird cherry flour naturally does not contain gluten. 100 grams of our Siberian Bird cherry flour contains 119 Cal. Just compare this with a generic brand of wheat flour containing 350 Cal. Sounds like is great way to enjoy your favorite pastries and at the same time to consume less calories! We Love our Siberian Bird Cherry Powder Flour for its’ unique, distinctive Siberian taste – Siberians compare Bir Cherry Powder taste to a blend of chocolate, almond, and rum!

SIBERIAN BIRD CHERRY CAKE RECIPE: Ingredients: 1 cup of our Siberian Bird Cherry Flour, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sour cream, ½ cup of wheat flour, 1 cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of baking powder. Recipe: Mix Siberian Bird Cherry Flour with sour cream and chill for two hours. Beat eggs with sugar, stir in the mixture of bird cherries and sour cream, then sift in flour and baking powder and mix until smooth. Bake at 180 C (356 F) degrees for 45 minutes. Cut the cake into two layers, spread the lower one with an ample amount of sour cream and top it with the second layer. Let it sit for 8-12 hours. Enjoy!

STORAGE: store in a cool dry place. For better results store in a closed plastic or glass container at room temperature

Manufactured/ Designed by Siberian Green

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