KLIM Lightning Semi-Mechanical Keyboard

Rebate: 82%


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  • ✅ AN INVESTMENT. How much time do you spend each day typing on your keyboard? Just like mechanical keyboards, a hybrid keyboard tells you exactly when you have activated a key, which allows you to move on to the next key quicker. After a week or two, you will notice that your typing speed has increased by 10-15%. Imagine what difference that will make in a year. In addition to the speed, typing will become a real pleasure.
  • ✅ LIGHTNING. Lightning is a semi-mechanical keyboard (also known as a hybrid). The Lightning is available in 7 uniform colours + a breathing mode (Fn + colour) directly on they keyboard
  • ✅ PERFECT TYPING. People who switch over to a mechanical or semi-mechanical keyboard never go back. Type precisely, comfortably and quickly with the KLIM Lightning keyboard. Your typing speed and speed when gaming will progress in leaps and bounds. Enjoy a new fluidity when typing with the KLIM Lightning keyboard. Please note: hybrid keyboards are quieter than mechanical keyboards with a blue switch but they are not silent.
  • ✅ DURABLE. Its metal frame makes it particularly durable. It weighs a respectable 1 kg which makes it extremely sturdy. Reinforced braided cable. Anti-scratch protection. ✅ This keyboard comes with a 5 year warranty, making it a safe purchase.
  • ✅ Simple. At KLIM we are against unnecessary software and drivers. Everything can be configured directly from your keyboard using the well-written manual. You will find all the usual multimedia keys. Just plug it in and it will work perfectly. ✅ Fitted with anti ghosting technology.

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