Foot Massager Mat
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Unlike acupuncture, which involves inserting thin needles at various acu-points on the body, acupressure is noninvasive and relieves aches and pains by diffusing your energy, or “chi” — as it’s traditionally known in Chinese medicine — through touch and pressure. For targeted relief for minor foot aches, this acupressure foot mat is a great option. It offers 300 total stimulation points. Lightweight and designed with toes, heels and foot arches in mind, this mat can be a good way to de-stress after a long day at work.
- Can be used wearing socks or barefoot
- Begin wearing socks and gradually work towards barefoot exposure
- Great for those suffering from plantar fasciitis
- Perfect for home or office use
- Can be used with 1 or both feet
- Perfect to target the arches, heels and toes
- Flexible
- Convenient to use while sitting down
- Ideal for office use while you work
- Durable structure with non-slip platform
- Designed for all foot sizes
- Convenient for home or office use, easy to store
- Lightweight, sturdy and easy to clean
- Ergonomically designed for foot arches, heels & toes
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