A4 Premium Flip Book Kit with Light Pad

Rebate: 90%


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  • ✅ LIMITLESS CREATIVITY … With our premium A4 flipbook kit you get to maximize your creativity and minimise screen time! You bring your inspiration and ideas and we provide everything else you need to make you own mini animation movies! Not sure where to start? No problem! We also INCLUDE A SIMPLE ANIMATION for tracing to get your creativity flowing, along with beautiful 4.5inch x 2.5inch flippable paper and binding screws to make the process easy!
  • ✅ EVERYTHING YOU NEED ... Designed by people who WORK IN ANIMATION movies, we've got you covered! With a USB powered, premium A4 Light Pad with ruler scales, our best selling 360 sheets (720 pages) pre-drilled flipbook paper and different sizes of high quality binding screws for different length animations you have the COMPLETE SET to turn dreams into animation!
  • ✅ FRUSTRATION FREE ... We take out the pain so you enjoy creative gains! If you've tried making flipbooks before you know that the paper (or WORSE ON OTHER KITS, the light pad!) can slip on tables, ruining your drawings. Our A4 ultra-thin LED Light Box has ANTI-SLIP PADDING to and is 3 way adjustable, so you can set brightness to just the right thickness for whatever paper you use.
  • ✅ VERSATILITY AT ITS BEST ... The beauty of our large A4 Light Box is that it's MULTI-FUNCTIONAL. Stenciling, 2d animation, calligraphy, embossing, scrapbooking, tattoo transferring, sketch & drawing tracer, sewing projects, , x-ray viewing projector are all possible
  • ✅ PEACE OF MIND ... Having over 11 years experience WORKING ON MOVIES we put our heart and soul into creating a flipbook kit with light pad that would outperform others and suit everyone from beginners to professionals alike. We GUARANTEE that you will have a FLIPPING AMAZING experience, or your money back. Click the 'Add to Cart' button and start your animation journey!

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