Baby on Board Signs For Your Car
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✅ IDEAL SIGNAGE FOR: All kinds of vehicles which will be used to carry small kids and young babies. The sign promotes AWARENESS and SAFETY by alerting motorists around you that there is a infant on board.
✅ SEE-THROUGH & HIGHLY VISIBLE: As Always Parents, SAFETY 1st! Our conventional baby on board stickers are bright yellow making them highly visible but, better yet they are also SEE-THROUGH from the inside of the car making reversing and looking in your rear view mirror safe and easy, without obscuring your view.
✅ GUARANTEED TO STAY ON: The Sign uses strong adhesive to ensure it won’t peel off your car window and it’s built to endure all weather conditions, from the summer heat to the winter snow! Since it is applied on the outside of the car it can be used with TINTED WINDOWS unlike signs with suction cups which also lose suction and lack longevity while magnetic signs risk damage to paint work. Our sign is the perfect sign!
✅ EASE OF USE AND LOW MAINTENANCE: Firstly, clean down the area of glass were the sign will be applied to ensure it is free from dust. Then peel the sticker label off and apply it firmly. It’s that simple! Once applied no more maintenance is required. For maximum effectiveness it’s best to apply the sign to the back window or both of the side windows.
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