Small Diaper Bag Backpack for Mom; Find what you need when you need it with organizing pouches, Small backpacks hold a ton of baby gear without the bulk of a large bag, Simplify your Life Today!

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Backpack Equip is a small family run business dedicated to bringing back the Moments of Life to the harried, stressed, and exhausted parents of the world.

Our products are designed with You in mind. You want to do it all. You want to give your family the best of yourself. You want more for your family than you had as a child. A Backpack Equip bag keeps your hands free to help, to hold, and to cuddle your little ones. And you know that holding your little one is more important than juggling her stuff. Focus on what's really important, let your bag handle the rest. Life is an adventure, embrace it with both hands.

A Backpack Equip diaper bag backpack is designed to grow with your family through the Stages of Life from the earliest moments of babyhood, through the toddler and school ages and on into the adult life. Diaper bag becomes toddler tote becomes school bag becomes computer bag becomes travel bag becomes weekender bag becomes work backpack and so on...

Our accessory pouches are perfect for organizing those little items that always seem to slip into the black hole of oblivion at the bottom of your bag. That's right, down there, with the unrecognizable crumbs of who-knows-what leftover snacks. Tuck them away in our small zippered pouch to keep them contained, clean, and ready for use anywhere you go. Diaper bag backpack, school backpack, car organizer, toy organizer, make-up bag, toiletries bag... and then there's the large pouch!

Our fabrics are durable, our colors are classic, and our designs are timeless. Backpack Equip backpacks come in both large and medium sizes to fit either Mom or Dad with a gender-neutral color palette to please both.

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